Sunday, April 5, 2020

Weight-Loss Success Story: Losing 100 Pounds

Brian Trahan, publisher of a small daily newspaper in Louisiana, has had a weight problem since he was a child. He has tried many different diets, but never had any significant weight-loss success. At 41, he tipped the scales at 580 pounds. When his life was on the line, he was motivated to get serious about losing weight. In 2007, he joined My Calorie Counter, Everyday Health's online calorie counter and journal, and became one of its many weight-loss success stories.
Trahan, now 44, has since been able to not just lose 100 pounds, but 192 pounds. In the last three years, he’s had some ups and downs, but has never gone back over 500 pounds.
EH: What inspired you to start your weight-loss journey?
Trahan: My inspiration has many sources. At 580 pounds and a former athlete, my body was beginning to break down. I had problems with my knees, and one evening at a track meet [working as a journalist] I completely destroyed my meniscus. Upon visiting my physician, he looked me in the eyes and said, “If you don't lose weight now, you're going to die before you are 50.” Those words hit me in the face like a sledgehammer. At 41 years old, I was in no way prepared to face death. I began to think about my two sons. At the time, they were pre-teens and I could not imagine them having to deal with losing their father so early. So that became my rallying point.
EH: What diet tips and guidelines did you use to get started?
Trahan: I got started by searching the Internet for a means to count calories and other nutritional categories. I found My Calorie Counter and began journaling — listing what I had been consuming, which consisted mostly of fast foods. I was taking in some 4,000 to 5,000 calories per day. It was an eye-opening experience when I researched what I should have been taking in to fuel my body and my sedentary lifestyle. So began my love affair with food journaling.
EH: What type of diet did you follow?
Trahan: I consumed 1,800 calories per day, while also tracking fat, carbs, sugar, cholesterol, protein, and sodium. I haven't varied from that plan for the past three years. In addition to that, living in a humid subtropical climate, I knew it was important to hydrate as well. So I consumed between 100 and 140 ounces of water per day.
EH: How do you stay motivated?
Trahan: Realistically, there is no way to stay motivated 24/7, 365 days per year. It's not humanly possible. The key for me is to take the small victories, celebrate briefly, and then move on. I also accept the small defeats, learn from them, and then not let them grow into a larger problem. It may be an oft-used cliché, but weight-loss is a marathon, not a sprint.
EH: What is your biggest food weakness?
Trahan: My biggest weakness when it comes to food is Cajun cooking. I grew up in a Cajun family in south Louisiana, where if it moves, you catch it and deep-fry it. In addition, pizza and hamburgers also give me trouble. Regardless of the food, another weakness is portion control.
EH: How long did it take until you started seeing results?
Trahan: Since I was so heavy when I started, I began to see results immediately. I lost my first 50 pounds in a matter of six weeks. What I also learned from that is to not [always] expect those results and focus on setting long-term goals in increments. It's easier to accomplish the goal weight in that manner without succumbing to impatience.
EH: What are your diet tips for weight management?
Trahan: One of my favorite diet tips is water intake. I know that when I'm consistently drinking the 100 to 140 ounces of water, it helps appetite control while also helping keep my body cleansed.
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But there are really no secrets. It's all about common sense. If you consume more calories than you should be, then you need to exercise and move more than you are accustomed to. Remaining active and limiting your excesses can be a simple outlook, but it works.
EH: What do you do for exercise?
Trahan: With my limitations [after multiple knee surgeries], I have to pick my spots for exercise. Playing golf is something I enjoy that also allows me to get out and move around. Other than that, using a recumbent stepper or bicycle works better for me at the gym. In addition, I also try to build up the muscles around my knees to help out with that problem. Another good idea for those with joint trouble like I have is to utilize your local swimming pool.
EH: What foods do you miss most and when do you have them?
Trahan: As I mentioned before, the Cajun cooking is what I miss most. I miss gumbo, boudin (Cajun sausage), crawfish, and fried catfish. When I visit my family, I try to limit those foods. I realized I can enjoy those foods, but at the same time, not eat in excess.
EH: Why do you think you’re having such weight-loss success?
Trahan: I’ve been able to lose 100 pounds-plus because I'm approaching it with common sense. When you have the mindset that there is no quick fix and that it takes hard work and sacrifice, half the battle is won.

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