Sunday, April 5, 2020

6 Tips to Lose Weight for Life From 'The Social Network Diet'

"Being fat isn't your fault; staying fat is." That’s the famous mantra of celebrity trainer Jackie Warner, and it’s a great way to explain the message behind the new book, The Social Network Diet. And though Warner’s tough-love approach is not exactly the tone The Social Network Diet authors Miriam Nelson, PhD, and Jennifer Ackerman take, the message is basically the same. The reason why so many people are overweight, the authors say, is not because they’re lazy or unmotivated, but because their environments — social, familial, economic — make them fat and keep them that way.
If your spouse has ever bought you ice cream to “reward” you after a week of hard workouts, if your friends and family have ever pressured you to eat or drink more, or if your job or commute is just too time-consuming to allow time for fitness, The Social Network Diet is for you. Throughout the tome, Nelson brings her expert, evidence-based counsel on how to create — and stick to — a weight-loss lifestyle.
“We feel strongly that it’s hard for women to keep weight off once they’ve lost it,” Nelson explains. “And the reason is simple: Once you’ve lost the weight, if you return to the identical social and physical environment, it will come back. Our message is all about how to change that environment to not only help women stick to their diets, but also to inspire changes in others.”
If you’re ready to make a real difference in your life, read on for a few of Nelson’s top tips for long-term weight loss.
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  2. Know the facts. To take the first step toward weight loss, examine what it is about your life that caused you to gain weight in the first place. For example, in the book, Nelson cites the experiences of a woman living in Atlanta who only had access to roads made for driving, not walking, and was raised in the tradition of unhealthy Southern cooking.
    Next, analyze the support you get from your friends, spouse, and job. Is healthy eating important to your spouse? What about fitness? Do you have access to fitness facilities near work? Once you understand the limitations of your lifestyle, you’ll be ready to make some changes for the better.
  3. Understand what "healthy" means. To know what you need to fix, you first have to get a handle of what it means to have a healthy lifestyle. Nelson recommends consulting the USDA’s dietary guidelines as a basis for your new, balanced diet. She also breaks down the lengthy government recommendations into four basic principles: Eat less, eat more plant-based foods, reduce your intake of added sugars, unhealthy fats, sodium, and refined grains, and increase your amount of physical activity.

  4. Start small. To stick with your diet long-term, begin with bite-sized goals. The book suggests one-day challenges, for example, 30 minutes of physical activity in one day, one day without refined sugars, etc., as effective steps toward healthier living. Nelson also provides a simple, seven-day eating plan to jumpstart weight loss.
  5. Surround yourself with support. This is where your social network kicks in. “Find a network with the same values and goals as you,” Nelson advises. “For example, I know one woman who lost 100 pounds and was interested in running and triathlons, so she joined a running group to keep her on track.” If you’re not ready to train for a triathlon, do whatever works for you. For example, form a supportive walking group with coworkers or neighbors and lean on one another for the motivation to keep at it.
    At home, it’s essential to create an active home environment. If you have the space, store workout equipment in front of your TV, so you’ll be more likely to fit in a few exercises while you watch your favorite shows. If you live with other people, work to develop a few healthy dinner staples you all like that you can whip up at any time.
  6. Go online for support. When we think “social network,” most people probably immediately imagine Facebook, Twitter, or an online community site, such as the tools and support available on Although most of Nelson’s research centers on face-to-face support networks, she says online resources can make a huge difference in women’s weight-loss efforts. If you find your in-person social networks to be less than supportive, online friends on Facebook, Twitter, and other sites can help keep you on track.
  7. Create a ripple effect. One of the most inspiring things you can do, Nelson finds, is use your healthy efforts to help others. Whether your new-found love of veggies inspires you to help out in a community garden or your walking group inspires a friend to train for a 5K, seeing others succeed with their health will only boost your efforts.

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